The PHSC Online Writing Center site was made possible by the policies of Pasco-Hernando State College to support creative and academic efforts of faculty and staff to provide the best education possible for our students.
Special thanks to
Dr. Katherine Johnson, PHSC President
Dr. Bonnie Clark, Vice President of Instruction and Provost, West Campus
The content for the site was written by PHSC English Composition 1101 model online course developers Ann Bunting and Peri Poland. By having the lessons and exercises they created on grammar, essays, research, and documenting sources posted outside the course in a separate site, their students would continue to have access to the information after the course and provide a useful tool for the entire PHSC campus community: students, faculty, and staff. Peri and Ann continue to revise and supplement content.
The PHSC Academic Technology Department provided the technical expertise and effort for the creation of the site itself. Instructional Designer Maya Pakhomova determined the appropriate software, created the design and layout, and entered the content.
The developers see this site as a constant work in progress and welcome comments, corrections, and suggestions to make this a PHSC community resource. They want to know if there are sections that are not clear or are missing information. Contact us.